Sunday, November 12, 2006

The little things excite me...

If you're a runner in my area and you were out this morning, lucky you, what a day - I was one of the lucky ones.

The air was crisp, the wind non-existent, and the sun was shining like I had never seen it shine before, making me feel a little sorry for those who chose to sleep such a morning away. Running, is perhaps one of the greatest ways a person can learn about himself, not just his physical ability, but all the other little things that make him tick. At about the two-mile mark, I had another revelation, another personal insight into what excites me in life.

It's the little things that excite me. I love running with my sunglasses on and staring into the sun as it is rises to the sky; I swear I can see it winking at me on mornings like this. And on these mornings, I love watching my breath slowly dance to the heavens as it leaves my mouth with each huff and puff; there's nothing that makes you feel more alive. And I love the feeling of my own perspiration rolling down from the top of my head onto my face just before I wipe it away with my wristband - it signals that everything is functionning well and my effort is where it should be.

I wouldn't say that I love the physical act of running, the actual foot to the pavement routine, because let's be honest, it's a tough slog on the best of days. What I do enjoy, though, is having the ability to run and experience the little things that get me going.

How could a person ask for more?

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